How Goal Setting Can Help Your Practice

By Tony Gavin

3 min

January 06, 2023


A bad day at work can be the difference between a good night's sleep and tossing and turning. A good day is also an important factor in determining whether you'll be able to enjoy time off, too. So how do you make sure that your days at work are always good ones? There are many things that can affect this, but one thing that can help is goal setting. Goal setting has been shown to boost motivation, increase productivity and efficiency, improve employee morale and performance, establish clear expectations for employees' performance; however it's important not all goals are created equal!

Goal setting has a postive impact on your motivation

Goal setting has a positive impact on your motivation. When you have a clear sense of what you want to achieve in the future, it can help keep your motivation high. When you know exactly where you're going with your business, it's easier to stay focused and keep working towards your goals. Goal setting helps give purpose to what we do—and when there's a goal at hand, our actions are more productive and efficient as we work towards that outcome.

Your goals help you to communicate with your team about what needs to be done for the good of the business

Goal setting has a positive impact on your motivation. When you have a clear sense of what you want to achieve in the future, it can help keep your motivation high. When you know exactly where you're going with your business, it's easier to stay focused and keep working towards your goals. Goal setting helps give purpose to what we do—and when there's a goal at hand, our actions are more productive and efficient as we work towards that outcome.

SMART goal setting can help you focus and use your time more efficiently 

You should aim to set SMART goals. If you want to achieve something, it's important that your goal is specific and measurable. For example, if you want to increase the number of patients who visit your practice each week, you need to know how many people will be visiting the practice, and when they are likely to come in order for this goal to be meaningful. A good way of doing this is by using an appointment book or scheduling software like Practice Management Software. You can then see at a glance how many current patients would qualify for a certain type of offer (such as free teeth cleaning) and compare that with other types of offers such as free X-rays or special discounts on oral hygiene products.


No matter what your goal is, setting one can help you achieve it. If you are looking for a way to improve your practice and be more productive, then SMART goal setting may just be what you need!